November in the West Country. Evening is closing in as murder detective Jack Caffery arrives to interview the victim of a car-jacking. He's dealt with routine car-thefts before, but this one is different. This car was taken by force. And on the...
Greenwich, south-east London. The Met's crack murder squad, AMIP, is called out by nervous CID detectives to a grim discovery. Five bodies, all young women, all ritualistically murdered and dumped on wasteland near the Dome. As each post-mortem...
When the decomposed body of a young woman is found by near railway tracks just outside Bristol one hot May morning, all indications are that she's committed suicide. That's how the police want it too; all neatly squared and tidied away. But DI...
Just after lunch on a Tuesday in April, nine feet under water, police diver Flea Marley closes her gloved fingers around a human hand. The fact that there's no body attached is disturbing enough. Yet more disturbing is the discovery, a day later,...
Midsummer, and in an unassuming house on a quiet residential street on the edge of Brockwell Park in south London, a husband and wife are discovered, imprisoned in their own home. Badly dehydrated, they've been bound and beaten, and the husband...
In un'area industriale semiabbandonata della periferia londinese vengono scoperti i cadaveri di cinque donne mutilate e seviziate. Scattano immediatamente le indagini che vengono affidate al giovane ispettore Jack Caffery. Egli comprende all'istante...
Als Detective Inspector Jack Caffery nach durchzechter Nacht seinen Rausch ausschlafen will, klingelt das Telefon: Auf einem Brachgelände in der Nähe der Themse wurden die Leichen von fünf Frauen gefunden. Die Obduktion ergibt, dass...