In the fourth and final installment of David Downing’s spy series, Jack McColl is sent to Soviet Russia, where the civil war is coming to an end. The Bolsheviks have won but the country is in ruins. With the hopes engendered by the revolution...
Set on the eve of the First World War, across oceans and continents, steamliners and cross-country trains, David Downing's complex and thrilling new espionage novel takes us all the way back to the dawn of that most fascinating of 20th century...
Spring 1915: World War One rages across Europe, and the British Empire is assailed on all fronts domestic and abroad. Amidst this bloodbath of nations, where one man s flag is another man s shroud, a British spy is asked to do the impossible: seduce...
The third Jack McColl espionage thriller by David Downing (also the author of the WWII Station series) brings together two lovers in Bolshevik Russia.
Winter 1917: As a generation of Europe's young men perish on the Eastern and Western fronts,...