Mystery of the Yellow Room

Mystery of the Yellow Room
Классические детективы
Серия: Joseph Rouletabille #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Издатель: epubBooks Classics
Добавил: Admin 5 Май 21
Проверил: Admin 5 Май 21
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Even if Hercule Poirot had been born a Frenchman, not a Belgian, he would have to take second place in detection to Joseph Rouletabille, the brilliant young sleuth created by Gaston Leroux. Here, in his first and most baffling case, the eighteen year old reporter astounds readers with his audacity and ingenuity. Who could have tried to murder Mademoiselle Stangerson, beautiful daughter of a famous radium scientist ? And how could they have entered and escaped from a completely locked and watched room ? With the Surete's top sleuth vying against him, Rouletabille is determined to prove only he can solve the case. This classic work of French detective fiction was much admired by Agatha Christie. As a connoisseur of the detective story she said this was one of the best . Others would praise it even more highly than that.

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