Just One Day

Just One Day
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Forman Gayle
Серия: Just One Day #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Издатель: RHCP
ISBN: 9780525425915
Добавил: Admin 21 Окт 13
Проверил: Admin 21 Окт 13
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A breathtaking journey toward self-discovery and true love, from the author of If I StayWhen sheltered American good girl Allyson "LuLu" Healey first meets laid-back Dutch actor Willem De Ruiter at an underground performance of Twelfth Night in England, there’s an undeniable spark. After just one day together, that spark bursts into a flame, or so it seems to Allyson, until the following morning, when she wakes up after a whirlwind day in Paris to discover that Willem has left. Over the next year, Allyson embarks on a journey to come to terms with the narrow confines of her life, and through Shakespeare, travel, and a quest for her almost-true-love, to break free of those confines.
Just One Day is the first in a sweepingly romantic duet of novels. Willem’s story—Just One Year—is coming soon!

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