A Merry Christmas and New Year Greetings from Upton Sinclair.
New novel will be published Jan. 5 by Viking Press, Come behind the scenes in Nazi Germany and watch the machinery work; meet Hitler, Göring, Goebbels at home, try to rescue a Jew from Dachau concentration camp, and find yourself in a torture-chamber during the Blood Purge! These things befall Lanny Budd in third volume of "World’s End" series, called. "Dragon’s Teeth." Prof. Fdk. L. Shuman, authority on Nazi history, writes "There is nothing else I have геad, in prose or verse, fiction or fact, which has impressed me so vividly with the realities of National Socialism. . . Grippingly dramatic and almost devasting in the clarity and intensity of its portraiture. A great story . . . a true and incisive picture. . . even more absorbing than has gone before. . . Your pictures of the Nazi leaders are superb, you have almost achieved the impossible in catering the spirit and atmosphere of the movement. "
A handsome volume of 630 pages; the price, 83, postpaid, cannot be cut until 1943. "World's End" and "Between Two Worlds" may now be had for $2 each; 83 for the two if your total order amounts to 86. Of "World's End" more than 150,000 have been sold. H. G. Wells wrote: "A great and well-balanced design, and has kept me vividly interested from Los Angeles to Omaha. I think it is the completest and most faithful picture of that period that has been done or is likely to be done." "Between Two World," JUST OUT in England, gets front page of "Times" book section, and is called "First Choice" for the week.
Foyle’s book club offers to take 160,000 copies if the publishers can get the paper.
Reply at оnсе and get "Dragon’s Teeth" on publication day. Address Upton Sinclair, 426 Madison Аvеnuе, New York.
Мне попалось обращение Эптона Синклера к своему будущему читателю, в нем дается авторская аннотация книги, текст которой здесь приводится. Обращение помимо аннотации содержит восхищенные отзывы о книге и коммерческие предложения. Интересно, что обращение было написано сразу после вступления США в войну с Германией, когда нацистская верхушка чувствовала себя достаточно комфортно, и никто не знал, когда и как всё это закончится. Полный тест приведу в комментариях, если кто попросит.
Комментарии к книге "Dragon’s Teeth"