A Body in the Bath House is the thirteenth book in Lindsey Davis' Falco series. Marcus Didius Falco, once a common informer, now middle class, discovers that newly acquired rank brings associated problems, the most gruesome of which is a corpse...
In first century A.D. Rome, during the reign of Vespasian, Marcus Didius Falco works as a private “informer,” often for the emperor, ferreting out hidden truths and bringing villains to ground. But even informers take vacations with their wives,...
Stuck in the Roman outpost of Londinium, Marcus Didius Falco is ready to pack up his family and go home... until the corpse of a nobleman turns up, head down, in a well behind a local tavern. The dead man turns out to be a close friend of the king...
A.D. 72: To many, Rome is the center of the Empire. To Marcus Didius Falco, Imperial spy and casual informer, it is the home of his mother, the domineering matriarch who has kept the Didius clan together since her husband absconded with a redhead...