The second installment in the new MechWarrior saga begins as aspiring MechWarrior Raul Ortega finds himself called to battle when warring factions who have seceded from the Republic wage war on his home to obtain one of the few working...
Since the fall of the interstellar communications grid, Countess Tara Campbell has been leading the Repbulic-loyal Highlanders and protecting the world of Northwind as best she can. Paladin Ezekiel Crow's arrival in anticipation of harder times...
The Republic world of Skye is bracing itself for another onslaught from the Jade Falcon Clan. The planet's only hope lies with Jasek Kelswa-Steiner and his Stormhammers—forging an alliance that may be worse than...
In the chaos of the interstellar communications blackout, the Capellan Chancellor has sent operative Mai Wa to help freedom fighter Evan Kurst liberate his homeworld. But Mai has betrayed Kurst before, and Evan's biggest problem is knowing who to...
To regain her clan's honor, Katana Tormark challenges House Kurita's right to rule the Combine. Undermining their authority, Katana is pushing them into a conflict with the Republic they don't want. But Warlord Mitsura Sakomodo has his own desire...
Duke Aaron Sandoval is trying to convince the governors of the Republic to forge a coalition against House Liao in an attempt to seize power for himself. And he's willing to sacrifice anything or anyone-including his nephew Erik-who stands in his...
For generations, the Republic of the Sphere has known a Golden Age of peace. Mighty BattleMechs, once kings of the battlefields, now aid the reconstruction of war-torn worlds. But when terrorists destroy the interstellar communications net, each...
The Clan Sea Fox is about to be torn asunder. OvKhan Sha Clarke wants to rule his own faction of warriors and take his rightful share of wealth, glory, and power. But OvKhan Petr Kalasa knows Sha is plotting a rebellion, and will stop him at any...
Grace O'Malley's ragtag forces stand valiantly against the fear-some Roughriders–determined to write their planet's history in the scorched wreckage of the...
The explosive conclusion to The Proving Grounds trilogy finds MechWarrior Tara Campbell facing two ruthless enemies. Should she be defeated, Terra is sure to...