Grace O'Malley's ragtag forces stand valiantly against the fear-some Roughriders–determined to write their planet's history in the scorched wreckage of the...
For generations, the Republic of the Sphere has known a Golden Age of peace. Mighty BattleMechs, once kings of the battlefields, now aid the reconstruction of war-torn worlds. But when terrorists destroy the interstellar communications net, each...
In the third novel based on the BattleTech/MechWarrior role-playing game, the planet Mirach now experiences civil unrest. Governor Ortega is at adds with several powers—including his two sons, both aspiring MechWarriors who believe only a...
Duke Aaron Sandoval is trying to convince the governors of the Republic to forge a coalition against House Liao in an attempt to seize power for himself. And he's willing to sacrifice anything or anyone-including his nephew Erik-who stands in his...