The second installment in the new MechWarrior saga begins as aspiring MechWarrior Raul Ortega finds himself called to battle when warring factions who have seceded from the Republic wage war on his home to obtain one of the few working...
Exarch Damien Redburn has called for the election of his replacement. As Paladins assemble, vying in the nomination process, Heather GioAvanti and Jonah Levin investigate suspicious activities swirling around this high-level...
The Clan Sea Fox is about to be torn asunder. OvKhan Sha Clarke wants to rule his own faction of warriors and take his rightful share of wealth, glory, and power. But OvKhan Petr Kalasa knows Sha is plotting a rebellion, and will stop him at any...
To regain her clan's honor, Katana Tormark challenges House Kurita's right to rule the Combine. Undermining their authority, Katana is pushing them into a conflict with the Republic they don't want. But Warlord Mitsura Sakomodo has his own desire...