Nadia’s memories of her father are not happy ones. An angry, secretive man, he died when she was thirteen, leaving his past shrouded in mystery. When a stranger claims to have known her father during his early years in Eastern Europe, she agrees...
Nadia Tesla will do anything to get the job done. That includes posing as a window girl in De Wallen, Amsterdam’s notorious red-light district, to solve a murder. In this case, Nadia’s...
“The fate of the world depends on us.”
With one mysterious e-mail, Bobby Kungenook — the teenage hockey phenom living undercover and guarding part of a revolutionary scientific breakthrough — realizes someone else shares his secret....
The guardian of a boy from the Arctic Circle with a secret that might change the world risks her life to prove he’s innocent of murder in New York City.
Bobby Kungenook, a mysterious seventeen-year-old hockey phenom from the Arctic...
The daughter of uncompromising Ukrainian immigrants, Nadia was raised to respect guts, grit, and tradition. When the events around the seemingly accidental death of her estranged godfather don’t add up, Nadia is determined to discover the truth...