Underhive [Warhammer 40000]

Underhive [Warhammer 40000]
Героическая фантастика, Эпическая фантастика
Автор: Хейли Гай
Серия: Necromunda
Год: 2019
Добавил: Admin 17 Авг 21
Проверил: Admin 17 Авг 21
Формат:  EPUB (2311 Kb)
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In the sprawling, polluted hive cities of Necromunda, life is a constant fight for scraps. From the highest peaks to the lowest depths, rival gangs war and spill blood in a desperate battle to increase their standing with the decadent Great Houses. Life is short and brutal, especially for those on the climb.

In the sprawling, polluted hive cities of Necromunda, life is a constant fight for scraps. From the highest peaks to the lowest depths, rival gangs war and spill blood in a desperate battle to increase their standing with the decadent Great Houses. Life is short and brutal, especially for those on the climb.

Underhive rogue Kora Zekk makes a delivery of weapons to House Orlock, expecting betrayal. A sinner tries to win his life with a story of star-crossed lovers. Goliath ganger Topek Greel seeks out an underhive legend, a killer with a terrifying record. And when a House Escher ambush goes wrong, Jarene of the Wild Cats finds herself outlawed. She has to take control and save her sisters in arms from enforcers, bounty hunters, even other gangs. Can she restore her honour, and bring the true culprits to justice?

This anthology contains the novella – Wanted:Dead by Mike Brooks – and nine short stories by some of the Black Library’s finest authors.

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