"Fer-de-lance" on esimene Rex Stouti kirjutatud Nero Wolfe´i romaan, mis avaldati aastal 1934. Maria Maffei, ühe Wolfe´i kaastöötaja perekonnasõber, palkab Wolfe´i otsima enda kadunud venda Carlot. Kuigi juhtum Wolfe´ile eriti ei meeldi,...
This is, in the considered opinion of his publishers, the finest detective story ever written by Rex Stout and therefore one of the very best ever written by anyone. As a new peak for the old master, it provides an occasion to celebrate an...
In Blood Will Tell: In which Archie mysteriously receives a tie in the mail and Nero finally receives a fee for solving the murder of the too curious Greenwich Village...
Wolfe’s cook is in bed with the flu which is a total disaster for the corpulent Nero, estimated to weigh between 310 and 390 pounds. He opens a can of pate, takes a bite and promptly spits it out assured that he has been poisoned. Archie Goodwin,...
“Here’s the gun I’m not going to use to kill my husband.” That’s what she said. But he was killed, and with that gun, or with one just like it... and Archie Goodwin had tampered with the gun...
THREE RECENTLY DISCOVERED NERO WOLFE CLASSICS Now, with the aid of the Stout estate and Stout’s official biographer, John McAleer, Bantam Books is proud to publish for the first time in book form this newly discovered collection of three Nero...
Under suspicion for murder and too angry to deny it, harried Hattie Annis offered 42 grand to Nero Wolfe to make the cops eat dirt. If she was innocent, you can ask her whether he earned his...
It was preposterously inconvenient. The outer door was locked as usual, yet there she lay — on Nero Wolfe’s carpet, in Nero Wolfe’s office, strangled by Nero Wolfe’s own...