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British Mark IV Tank
Военная история, Военное дело, военная техника и вооружение

British Mark IV Tank

Автор: Fletcher David
Серия: New Vanguard #133
Язык: английский
Год: 2007
Статус: Закончена
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Amongst the first ever mass-produced tanks in history, the British Mk IV has been classified as one of the most successful heavy tanks to have fought in World War I. Mechanically similar to its predecessors, the Mark IV embodied various...
Osprey NV#041. The M1 Abrams Battle Tank

Osprey NV#041. The M1 Abrams Battle Tank

Серия: New Vanguard
Год: 1985
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The M1 Abrams was the most radical departure in US tank design since World War II. Until the advent of the M1 in the early 1980s, the US Army had relied on the steady evolution of the M26 Pershing tank, through the M46, M47, M48 and M60. The M1...