The Six Arms, top-class battle squad of the underground criminal organization, Eight Fingers within the Kingdom starts to move. The Adamantite class adventurer group, "Blue Rose" will fights against them. During the battle, the mysterious great...
The Ruthless army of death approaches the peaceful village of the Lizardmen. To protect their tribe, and to survive with their beloved ones, the Lizardmen rise. Meanwhile, the large army of undead goes to battle for the "experiment" of Ainz. Their...
History of Ainz Ooal Gown creation and what happened before Nazaric was moved to the new world
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The story is about Ainz sending a Death Knight as his emissary to interview each of the floor guardians, and we get a glimpse into their living environment and thoughts.The setting is a few days after Nazarick was appeared to the New World. Ainz...
Ainz Ooal Gown discovers his loyal guardian, Shalltear Bloodfallen's, unsuspected rebellion. What exactly happened while Ainz worked in E-Rantel as an adventurer? He tries to find out the reasons behind it and attempts to forcefully bring her back...
One week after the teleportation to the New Word. Ainz and his battle maid, Narberal Gamma infiltrate the fortress city of E-Rantel as adventurers. Their objectives are to gather information of the New World and win fame in E-Rantel. Being offered a...
Every year, the annual war between the Kingdom and the Empire seems to be nearing its end. However, the ruler of the Empire, Jircniv, also known as the "Bloody Emperor", visits the Great Tomb of Nazarick and allies with Ainz Ooal Gown, which drags...