BLADE DID NOT BELIEVE IT!He did not want to believe it. The computer had played strange tricks before, but this? Was he a Tom Thumb, reduced in size to a minikin? Or was he still his normal self, in a dimension where everything else was so massive that he was dwarfed?It was much worse than that. Blade looked at his hand. It was small and pink and chubby. Tiny. He was a baby. The computer had reduced him to an infant. He was Richard Blade, he knew it, but his tiny pink body was that of a newborn babe.He tried to raise his head. Too heavy. He could not even move it. That made sense, if any of this made sense. Despite his size, his brain was full-grown and housed in the cranium of a full-grown man. He was a macrocephalic horror! Whoever found him would probably kill him on sight and either stuff him or preserve him in a bottle.But where was he? And who would find him?
Комментарии к книге "Monster Of The Maze"