When a rival house comes looking for blood, Talbot Uskevren, the second son in his family spends his days developing his swordfighting and acting skills, while fighting an inner...
In a household where everyone has a secret, why should the maid be any different?
The unacknowledged daughter of Thamalon Uskevren, Larajin is a half-elf who finds herself embroiled in a bitter war between elves and humans. In an effort to...
The sixth installment in the exciting Sembia series.
Continuing the overall theme of the Sembia series, "Sands of the Soul" details the interactions of characters debuted in the "The Halls of Stormweather" anthology. This series was specifically...
Erevis Cale
The loyal servant of the Uskevren family, has a terrible secret.
Now, when a ruthless evil is unleashed on Selgaunt, the butler's ties to the underworld may have put the Uskevrens in jeopardy. Erevis must finally prove his loyalty to...
The Halls of Stormweather, a novel in seven parts, is the first book in a series that explores the mean streets of a city where everything has its price and even the wealthiest families will do anything to survive!
Ed Greenwood -- The creator of the...
When Shamur Uskevren, the matriarch of one of Sembia's oldest and most powerful merchant families, is tricked by an angry wizard into an assassination attempt on her own husband, her family is thrown into turmoil. Once the truth is dicovered, she...