After an upbringing of proper behavior and oppressive expectations, Aralorn fled her noble birthright for a life of adventure as a mercenary spy. Her latest mission involves spying on the increasingly powerful sorcerer Geoffrey ae'Magi. But in a...
Die junge Shamera schlägt sich als Diebin durch und stiehlt von den Wohlhabenden, um zu überleben. Dabei setzt sie ihre magische Begabung ein, die sie jedoch noch nicht vollends beherrscht.
Als Shameras Mentor und Freund, ein mächtiger Magier,...
Slave. Swordwielder. Spy. Some girls have all the luck...
When Rialla was young, slave traders from Darran ambushed her clan, killing all the men and enslaving the women and children. For years, Rialla lived in bondage, until she escaped and fled to...
Sorceress. Lady. Mistress. Thief. Just call her an overachiever.
To survive, Sham has spent most of her young life stealing from Southwood’s nobility. Now, as the city’s nobles fall prey to a killer, Sham is called on to help, and must use all...
For the last ten years, shapeshifting mercenary Aralorn has led a dangerous existence — a far cry from her noble upbringing. Now she must return home under the most unfortunate circumstances. Her father, the Lyon of Lambshold, has passed away....