The fourth installment in the action-packed space adventure series. Genetically and biologically advanced, the Starwolves seek revenge on the tyrannical Company that rules Earth by plundering its vessels. But now a dreaded intergalactic killer...
With powerfull AI controlled ships, the Starwolves have been defending the Republic against the numerically superior but extremely technically inferior Union forces, a decidedly one-sided battle that has lasted for centuries. However, that may...
The Starwolves are back in another action-packed adventure. The superbeings confront a Company death machine of vast lethal scale, designed solely to destroy them. Now they must fight a living engine of...
It is the touching story of one starwolf. A genetically engineered race designed to help the republic survive. They have been fighting for over 50000 years and have never acheived anything but a stalemate. But the time has come. The union (The...