John Thomas Rourke, ex-CIA Covert Operations Officer, weapons expert, and survival authority, is pursuing the trail of his wife and children from whom he was separated when World War III began. As he sets out from his retreat, he meets a...
World War III was just practice for what's coming. And even those who survived the original firestorm—like John Thomas Rourke—won’t have a chance when the next round of carnage begins. But Rourke, the ex-CIA Covert Operations Officer, weapons...
World War III was only the beginning. Inevitable death now awaits every soul who lived through the holocaust as the earth's atmosphere is about to explode into a searing blaze of fire. But one man refuses to die, refuses to accept the horror:...
The Russians, consolidating their brutal hold on America after the bloody horror of World War III, are planning an act so vicious that mankind, itself, may never recover from the blow. John Thomas Rourke, the ex-CIA Covert Operations Officer,...
No human being could possibly escape death when the earth's atmosphere explodes into a blazing wave of global fire. But John Thomas Rourke, ex-CIA Covert Operations Officer, weapons specialist, and survival expert would not be denied another...
World War III is now a bloody page in American history. With nuclear holocaust killing more than a quarter-billion people worldwide and the United States just a memory, John Thomas Rourke, ex-CIA Covert Operations Officer, weapons expert and...
World War III has passed and John Thomas Rourke, ex-CIA Cover Operations Officer, weapons specialist and survival expert has at last reached his home only to find that his wife and two children have fled for their lives. With the knowledge that his...
World War III has passed and John Thomas Rourke, ex-CIA Cover Operations Officer, weapons specialist and survival expert has at last reached his home only to find that his wife and two children have fled for their lives. With the knowledge that his...
John Thomas Rourke, M.D., ex-CIA Covert Operations Officer, weapons expert, and survival authority, has accomplished one of his goals—he's helped his young friend Paul Rubinstein locate his parents. Now, Rourke's search for his own family must...
John Thomas Rourke, M.D., ex-CIA covert operations Officer, weapons expert, and survival authority on the move again—searching for a cache of eighty megaton warhead missiles secreted on the New West Coast. It begins with a firefight between...