The Aliens invading the colonies have called off the general invasion. It appears another civilization has been discovered scouting them and their fear has led them to send their major fleets to the Large Magellanic Cloud to find out what threat this civilization poses. The six colonies that have been previously invaded will remain under the alien's control while this issue is resolved.
The Colony Fleet is helpless to remove the invading warships and unable to defend the colonies that have fallen under their control. The colonies have no defenses and things look bad. However, there are tens of thousands of assassins on the invaded planets and they’ve been offered payment for each alien they’re able to kill. The aliens are feeling confident but are about to discover that the assassins have them right where they want them.
Earth knows that there is no civilization scouting the aliens. One small Earth ship managed to destroy one of the alien’s giant warships and they assumed there had to be more of them in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Something must happen quickly to convince the aliens they’re being scouted or their giant fleets will turn on the colonies and Earth; neither are prepared to take them on.
Three small warships are quickly dispatched to the LMC with orders to deceive the aliens into believing they are under attack from an advanced civilization. It sounds impossible, but the three ships are under the command of one of the Guild’s highest-ranked assassins. The impossible odds don’t bother Adam Talent He vows to live or die defending the colonies.
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