The Smiling Dogs

The Smiling Dogs
Крутой детектив
Серия: The Avenger #10
Язык: английский
Год: 1973
Издатель: Warner Books
ISBN: 0446741426
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 16 Окт 19
Проверил: Admin 16 Окт 19
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The greatest crime fighter of the forties returns!

In the roaring heart of the crucible, steel is made. In the raging flame of personal tragedy, men are sometimes forged into something more than human.
It was so with Dick Benson. He had been a man. After the dread loss inflicted on him by an inhuman crime ring, he became a machine of vengeance dedicated to the extermination of all other crime rings.
He turned into the person we know now: a figure of ice and steel, more pitiless than both; a mechanism of whipcord and flame; a symbol of destruction to crooks and killers; a terrible, almost impersonal Force, masking chill genius and supernormal power behind a face ever as white and dead as a mask from the grave. Only his pale eyes, like ice in a polar dawn, hint at the deadliness of the scourge the underworld heedlessly invoked against itself when crime’s greed turned the retired adventurer, Richard Henry Benson, into — The Avenger.

Is there a connection between two political murders, a sanity-test bill, reforestation plans for a national park and a tiny man with a green smiling dog? The Avenger embarks on a weird hunt to connect the links of a deadly chain.

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