On vacation in the Big Potato Mountains, Qwilleran stumbles into a mystery involving the murder of J. J. Hawkinfield, the developer who was pushed off a mountain years before after announcing his plans to develop the...
The team of Koko, the brilliant Siamese cat, and Qwilleran, the reporter with the perceptive moustache, is back in action -- with an adorable female Siamese, Yum Yum, added to the household.When Qwilleran decides to do a feature series on Junktown,...
A twenty-ninth installment of
the popular series finds Moose
County in an uproar over a
string of lucrative inheritances
and a bee sting-related death,
throughout which Polly departs for Paris, Koko the irrepressible
Siamese meets a piano tuner,
In this delightful new novel
featuring Jim Qwilleran and his
lovable cats, Koko and Yum
Yum, the rites of spring are
celebrated with the fine art of
birdcalling....and a fateful act of murder. It seems that this
spring, a cat's fancy may turn...
In this latest installment, prizewinning reporter Jim Qwilleran — along with his lovable Siamese cats Koko and Yum Yum — solve a mystery that arises when a local banker dies under suspicious circumstances, leaving behind a flashy young widow, an...
Back home in sleepy Pickax, Jim Qwilleran and his Siamese companions, Koko and Yum Yum, are looking forward to country peace and quiet. But their newly converted apple barn home turns out to be not quite the refuge they were hoping for when a corpse...
Jim Qwilleran and his cats Koko and Yum Yum try to solve a haunting mystery in a historic farmhouse in this New York Times bestseller in the Cat Who series. When Mrs. Cobb heard unearthly noises in the antique-filled farmhouse, she called Jim...
Living in the peaceful city of
Pickax may be restful, but it
certainly isn't dull. At least not
for one of the most eligible
bachelors in town, veteran
newspaperman Jim Qwilleran. Having inherited millions,
Qwilleran and his two feline
The magnificently mustached
local columnist Jim Qwilleran
(along with his two Siamese
cats, Koko and Yum Yum) has
his hands full with numerous
projects associated with the town's 150th birthday. But
when an aspiring young
architect visiting from...
Something is amiss at Maus Haus. Not just the mystery of an unsolved "suicide" which hangs over the old mansion, but something ominous in the present-day residence. When Qwilleran moves in to work on his new gastronomical assignment, strange things...