In the much-anticipated sequel to the “magnificent fantasy epic” (NPR) Grace of Kings, Emperor Kuni Garu is faced with the invasion of an invincible army in his kingdom and must quickly find a way to defeat the intruders.
Kuni Garu, now...
Two men rebel together against tyranny — and then become rivals — in this first sweeping book of an epic fantasy series from Ken Liu, recipient of Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards.
Wily, charming Kuni Garu, a bandit, and stern,...
Princess Théra once known as Empress Üna of Dara; yielded the throne to her younger brother in order to journey to Ukyu-Gondé to war with the Lyucu, and has crossed the impenetrable Wall of Storms with a fleet of ships and ten thousand people....
The conclusion to Ken Liu's chronicle of the Dandelion Dynasty, which sees two empires face a whirlwind that threatens to utterly consume them.
Stalked by foes and dogged by betrayal, Princess Théra is pursued across a continent vaster...