Moo wasn't exactly your typical island paradise
Its fat-cat master made his subjects slaves to his greed. Its beautiful princess was motivated by lust-for money or whatever. Its people were far deeper into digging their ruler's grave than his...
The Art Of The Deal
Budget cuts are every administrator's nightmare, but CURE's own Dr. Harold Smith has a real whopper. A battle over bullion prompts Chiun to seek better pastures, and he's dragging Remo along.
Word spreads like...
The Guru of Garbage
Lyle Lavellette was known to some as Detroit's maverick genius, and to others as the biggest gasbag the auto city had ever seen. But now this golden-tongued tycoon had proved his critics wrong by producing a car that could...
Something's rotten in the garbage business -- and CURE is ready to take out the trash . . .
Mayana -- a South American country known only for a mass cult suicide -- is poised to...
When a brilliant professor invents the world's first fantasy realization device, allowing anyone to watch their own secret fantasies on television, the Mafia are out to steal it, TV executives want to control it, and Remo and Chiun might be the...
Somebody is using television as a mind control vehicle, sending subliminal messages to hollow-eyed viewers, and turning ordinary couch potatoes into raging mobs programmed to kill. A secret enemy...
The Mayor?
"Yes", Smith said, "he's taken over the city. He has given an open invitation to organized crime to move its operations into Bay City. He's opening the piers so that contraband can move in and out easily, so...
Eldon Sluggard, the TV evangelist whose god was greed, had converted Remo to his renegade religion and enlisted him in his unholy war of conquest. Victoria Hoar, the curvaceous creature who made the minister her puppet by pulling his sexual...
As the White House and Pentagon cover up with reflective tinfoil to ward off deadly superheated rays from an invisible object in space that vaporized biobubble habitat scientists, Remo and Chiun are sent to Russia to stop the attacks before World...
Death was in the air
All over America the airline travelers were dying, seduced by lovely young women and strangled by silken scarves in savage hands. The security of the nation hung over an open grave - and Remo Williams, the Destroyer, and...