As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” January 1, 1934.
Great things impend. Nations convene and prepare for a tremendous task for world betterment. The stage is set for civilization’s proudest moment, and then come The Embassy...
THE SHADOW — He fights crime that the Police can't stop, then fades back into the shadows from which he sprung!
Six prominent men were expecting a share in a glittering fortune. But, one by one, they were being brutally...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” July 1, 1935.
From China came the call for aid; yet The Shadow heeded it, and penetrated the heart of New York’s Chinatown as he sought the Fate...
THE FOUR SIGNETS was originally published in the January 1, 1935 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
The Four Signets hold some hidden message which spreads the path of crime and death in their wake. Millions at stake — to be distributed by four...
THE GARAUCAN SWINDLE was originally published in the September 15, 1934 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
An entire nation's economy was in peril. Millions were at stake — but to The Shadow, it was a matter of lives and reputations, not money,...
A spook ring running a fake communicate with the dead sc@m in aid of corporate malfeasance runs afoul of The Shadow, as well as detective Joe Cardona, and a plucky young bloke trying to help out his now wealthy through inheritance aunt. Cardona...
It guarded the destinies of Delthern Manor, but death struck, unseen, again and again, baffling all - all but The Shadow, Avenger of Crime.
The story opens with a lawyer talking to a group of people about the will of...
As originally published in “The Shadow Magazine,” May 1, 1933.
Clyde Burke, one of the Shadow's agents, is on a steamship. Clyde tries to send a message to the Shadow, but it never reaches him. The ship is attacked by a mob and people are...
THE GOLDEN QUEST was originally published in the May 1, 1935 issue of The Shadow Magazine.
A gold mine named "The Quest," lost in the wilds of Michigan. The search for it will lead The Shadow out of his usual haunts of Manhattan and into the...