Riding shotgun for a stagecoach traveling through hostile Indian lands, Skye Fargo finds himself protecting a rag-tag group of passengers from the vengeance of an Apache war chief. With a sultry redhead and a brassy blond both vying for his...
Skye Fargo, a.k.a. the Trailsman, discovers that Noah Tillman, a vicious land baron, has a deadly Fourth of July ritual that involves kidnapping several townspeople, transporting them to a private island, and hunting them down like dogs, and...
13 million Trailsman books in print! It's a milestone on the Trailsman's trail.
In his 300th adventure, Skye Fargo is headed east, where he's been hired by a group of Illinois citizens to stop the murderous "Sagamon River Monster." For...
The trailsman meets a murderous monster...
In the marshy wilderness of Louisiana’s Atchafalaya Swamp, people are being killed by a monster that strikes without mercy, leaving behind little more than mangled flesh, blood, and bones.
In the frozen Beartooth Mountains, Fargo is rescued by a kindly wilderness woman named Mary Harper and her children. But when the brutal Cudgel Stein and his gang decide they want what the Harpers have, the Trailsman is going...
The trailsman is trapped on the warpath
Skye Fargo and a cavalry major's daughter have barely survived an Indian attack against their stagecoach when they discover the local Blackfeet tribe is being led by a former army lieutenant- driven...
Sioux territory is no place for a sane man, but that's where Fargo finds himself guiding a blustery senator, his beautiful new wife, and their bratty daughter. And the hunting party soon becomes prey to some mighty warriors led by a medicine man...
A golden boy goes bad...
When Cain Parker struck gold, he won a whole mess of trouble. The attacks on his wagons got so bad that he called on his old friend Skye Fargo for help. Skye knows all the signs of a set-up, but not even he...
When Skye Fargo comes across a dead man near the town of Cawthorne, he figures he'll bring the body to town for burial. But he learns soon enough that dying has been real easy to do in Cawthorne lately. Someone in town has developed a taste for...
This town ain't big enough for the two of them...
At the request of a friend, Skye Fargo heads to the town of Polson to see if there's trouble brewing. But it's already boiling over, with the entire area under the iron thumb of Big Mike Durn—...