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Trying to Live with the Dead

Trying to Live with the Dead

Автор: Brunnemer B. L.
Серия: Veil Diaries #1
Год: 2016
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Hi, I'm Alexis Delaney. I'm your average 17-year-old girl. Except I can see the dead. And talk to the dead. And push them away and, well, help them move on. So..okay, I'm not your average 17-year-old girl. For years I've been struggling to survive...
When the Dead Come a Knockin'

When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Автор: Brunnemer B. L.
Серия: Veil Diaries #2
Год: 2017
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My name is Alexis Delaney, and I'm your average 17-year-old girl. Except I'm a Necromancer. Which means I can see the dead, talk to them, and help them move on. Well, I used to be able to. Someone has sealed the Veil. Now the dead are stuck here....
Whispers From The Dead

Whispers From The Dead

Автор: Brunnemer B. L.
Серия: Veil Diaries #4
Год: 2017
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Trigger warning: Flashback scenes. Hi, I'm Alexis Delaney. I'm your average 17-year-old girl. Except I can see the dead. And talk to the dead and help them move on. So... okay, I'm not your average 17-year-old girl. The Veil is still shut. Which...
When To Fear The Living

When To Fear The Living

Автор: Brunnemer B. L.
Серия: Veil Diaries #3
Год: 2017
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Hi, I'm Alexis Delaney. I'm your average 17-year-old girl. Except I can see the dead. And talk to the dead and help them move on. So...okay, I'm not your average 17-year-old girl. Right now, the Veil is shut off, and the Way is closed. Which means...