In the distant future, a medieval system rises from the ruins of a technology that destroyed itself. Armored knights ride their horses across dunes of rust, battling for the honor of the Queen. But the knights find more to menace them than mere...
It is the time of the Locust. 'Fear death from the air, and avoid the North -' Eighty years have passed since Lord tegeus-Cromis broke the yoke of Canna Moidart, since the horror of the geteit chemosit. The Reborn Men, awoken from their long...
It is the time of the Locust. 'Fear death from the air, and avoid the North -' Eighty years have passed since Lord tegeus-Cromis broke the yoke of Canna Moidart, since the horror of the geteit chemosit. The Reborn Men, awoken from their long...
In the distant future, a medieval system rises from the ruins of a technology that destroyed itself. Armored knights ride their horses across dunes of rust, battling for the honor of the Queen. But the knights find more to menace them than mere...