In this epic story, Fulgrim author Graham McNeill tells of the civil war on Mars, and the genesis of the Dark Mechanicum. This next installment is guaranteed to keep fans hooked as the series goes from strength to...
After the horrors of Isstvan V, Horus declares outright war against the Imperium. In the shadows of the Emperor's Palace, powerful figures convene.Their plan is to send a team of assassins to execute the arch-traitor Horus and end the war for the...
One year after the coming of the Emperor to Barbarus, Mortarion and his Legion – the newly renamed Death Guard – have yet to strike out and join the Great Crusade. The primarch is wracked with doubts about his place in this Imperium of Man, and...
The Emperor's Golden Throne is the best known throne on Terra – and it is Malcador the Sigillite's ultimate destiny. But it is not the only throne on the Imperium's heartworld – Malcador himself has one, in a chamber he uses to pluck secrets...
Amidst the galaxy-wide war of the Great Crusade, the Emperor castigates the Word Bearers for their worship. Distraught at this judgement, Lorgar and his Legion seek another path while devastating world after world, venting their fury and fervour...
When Horus the Warmaster rebelled against the Emperor, the ensuing civil war nearly destroyed the Imperium. War raged across galaxy, pitting Astartes against their battle-brothers in a struggle where death was the only victor.
This collection...