Since a strange alien virus created the superhuman beings known as Aces and Jokers 40 years ago, they have struggled for respect and recognition. Now, they are key players in a presidential convention torn by hatred and dissent as assassins stalk...
The fifth volume in this totally-unique "mosaic novel" series. As in the previous volume, Aces Abroad, this one focuses on the effects of the Wild Card virus outside of the United...
Sin dejar de lado la ficción especulativa y la creación de un universo paralelo en el que abundan los superhéroes y los supervillanos con poderes sorprendentes, este volumen de la extraordinaria serie se aproxima al thriller. La novela comienza...
Nobody's Girl • short fiction by Walton SimonsLuck Be A Lady • short fiction by Chris ClaremontNobody Knows Me Like My Baby • short story by Walton SimonsHorses • short fiction by Lewis ShinerMr. Nobody Goes to Town • short fiction by...