In the distant future, the world was a paradise — and then, in a moment, it was ended by the first war in centuries. People who had known godlike power, to whom hunger and pain were completely unknown, desperately scrabbled to survive. As the...
Following her experiences with the Jedi and the devastation of Order 66, Ahsoka is unsure she can be part of a larger whole ever again. But her desire to fight the evils of the Empire and protect those who need it will lead her right to Bail Organa,...
Alaska Republik - When Lieutenant Gerald Yamato of the Republic of California Air Force bailed out of his doomed fighter he had no idea he would land in a culture that would forever change his life.
The Dená thought...
A 1950s hospital. Temporary amnesia. A naked man running through Central Park yelling something about alien space tentacles. Tinfoil, duct tape, and bananas. These are the ingredients for a spectacular romp through a world you never thought possible...
Enemies and friends
Reeling from the shocking discovery of Rodney McKay's fate, Colonel Sheppard and his team retreat to Atlantis to regroup. With Rodney not only in the hands of the Wraith, but apparently working for them, Atlantis faces a new...
The New York Times and USA Today best-selling series.
The war for the Metal Islands is over, but the search for survivors has just begun.
After a long and bloody battle, legendary Hell Diver Xavier Rodriguez reigns as the dutiful but...
Nīls Geimens
Amerikāņu dievi
No angļu valodas tulkojušas Vanda Tomaševiča un Dace Rudzīte
Mūsu senči pielūdza auglības, nāves un negaisa dievus.
Vai jums šķiet, ka tie uz mūžiem iemiguši sensenās upuru alās,...