Die Kurii, jene intelligenten Bestien und Erzfeinde der Priesterkönige von Gor, kommen nach Port Kar und machen Tarl Cabot ein verlockendes Angebot: Gegen klingende Münze soll er ihnen den abtrünnigen Artgenossen Halbohr...
Das glorreiche Ar hat den Krieg verloren. Verrat und Heimtücke öffnen dem Erzfeind Cos die Tore des Stadtstaates, und durch Lügen und Intrigen sollen die einst stolzen Bürger zu demütigen vasallen gemacht...
Once a sheepfarmer’s daughter, now a seasoned veteran, Paksenarrion has proven herself a fighter. Years with Duke Phelan’s Company taught her weaponry, discipline, and how to react as part of a military unit.
Now, though, Paks feels spurred to a...
Kiedy linie obronne w Południowych Appalachach upadły, między rozszalałymi hordami Posleenów a miękkim podbrzuszem Płaskowyżu Cumberland pozostali już tylko weterani 555-go Piechoty Mobilnej.
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About the Author
JOHN SHIRLEY is the author of numerous novels, including Crawlers, Demons, and Wetbones, the recent motion picture novelization of Constantine, and story collections including Really Really Really Really Weird Stories and the...
At a remote site in Minnesota, filmmaker Kurt Carpenter has built a secure compound and invited a select group of people to bunker down until the worst is over. The world into which they re-emerge is like nothing they’ve ever seen. At first they...
Step 1 - Travel to a different dimension on verge of destruction
Step 2 - Save dimension from doomsday event
Step 3 - Find the Wayfarer woman to take back so their dimension stabilizes
Step 4 - Bind Wayfarer woman to you for bonus powers...