Helliconia is a planet that, due to the massively eccentric orbit of its own sun around another star, experiences seasons that lasts eons. Whole civilisations grow in the Spring, flourish in the Summer and then die in the brutal winters. The...
When the world of Armageddon is attacked by orks, the Black Templars Space Marine Chapter are amongst those sent to liberate it. Chaplain Grimaldus and a band of Black Templars are charged with the defence of Hive Helsreach from the xenos...
When Roboute Guilliman, the returned primarch, took the long journey from Macragge to Terra, he suffered many losses – including his flagship, the Macragge's Honour. Captured by the piratical Red Corsairs, the vessel suffers – and yet deep...
Atlantis has returned to Earth. The team members have dispersed and are beginning new lives far from the dangers of the Pegasus galaxy. They think the adventure is over.
They're wrong.
With the help of General Jack O'Neill, Atlantis rises...
Ryan Cawdor’s post holocaust odyssey across America is about to come full circle — Ryan Cawdor is going home.
Forced away from Front Royal years earlier by a power-mad brother who had already committed fratricide, Ryan had roamed a...
Duty. Honor. Country.
Three words that resound in the heart of the warrior. But what is duty when country is gone? Where does honor lie when allies are revealed as enemies, when friends are not who they seem and when enemies are the ones we...
When the hunted become hunters…
Ronon Dex is a mystery. His past is a closed book and he likes it that way. But when the Atlantis team triggers a trap that leaves them stranded on a hostile world, only Ronon’s past can save them — if it...