Time conquers all, and in the far-distant future, in the war-torn lands once known as the United States of America, all that remains are scattered tribes like the Horseclans and city-states ruled by the Ehleenee, the decadent practitioners of an...
Earth is flat, empty, weary, and bare. Her children, too, had left her, all but a few who lived peacefully off the land. And then came the Kar-Chee, to crack Earth open and suck out what remained of her richness, threatening the twilight of th old...
Ten thousand years ago, a single alien super-ship survived a desperate battle. The vessel's dying crew set the AI on automatic to defend the smashed rubble of their planet. Legend has it the faithful ship continues to patrol the empty...
From the author who brought you Invasion: Alaska!
A disturbingly realistic vision of war several decades into the future. Invasion: China is as ambitious as it is powerful. Using advanced technologies in military science, the world’s...
The invasion of Alaska has begun. And the Third World War may not be far behind. In this controversial book, Vaughn Heppner explores the theme of a shattered America facing the onslaught of the new colossus in the East: Greater China.
We were in the square, in the square where I'd run, holding her, carrying her, telling her to stay alive, stay alive till we got safe, till we got to Haven so I could save her - But there weren't no safety, no safety at all, there was just him...
When Ellie and her friends return from a camping trip in the Australian bush, they find things hideously wrong — their families are gone. Gradually they begin to comprehend that their country has been invaded and everyone in their town has been...
Something is wrong on Tioga Island. It seems the dead aren't staying dead. A panicked call from a U.S. Senator's secret service escort results in the activation of Task Force Archangel, a top-secret Special Forces detachment charged with facing...
It has been twenty years since the Briggs experiment went wrong; twenty years since the containment doors on sub-level five of the subterranean laboratories of the Red Rock Mountain Research Facility slammed shut.
Enter Major Thom Gant...