When the hyper-aggressive H5N1 plague spread, the world collapsed. Billions around the world died in a few months’ time and technology and infrastructure disintegrated. Among the survivors, a rare gene in the human DNA emerged as resistant to the...
In War Stories: New Military Science Fiction, editors Andrew Liptak and Jaym Gates collects short stories by science fiction and fantasy authors dealing with the effects of war prior, during, and after battle to soldiers and their...
John is a test subject in a secret military research project. Betrayal within the ranks of project’s security officers, sets of avalanche of events leading to the deaths of two of John’s friends and to John finding himself at the edge of the...
When Soviet nukes destroyed the United States, Hawk Hunter took refuge in the only place he has ever felt safe: the sky. One of the finest fighter pilots of all time, he used his talents to found the Pacific American Air Corps (PAAC), a...
The latest title in Black Library's bestselling series, the Horus Heresy.In the wake of the Dropsite Massacre at Isstvan V, the survivors of the Salamanders Legion searched long and hard for their fallen primarch, but to no avail. Little did they...
When alien starships from a hostile interstellar power arrive in orbit, Britain is one of their first targets. Swiftly, the aliens take control of Britain’s cities and force the remainder of the British military to go on the run. With the...
The entire War for Profit series complete in one volume. Titles include Armor Academy Space Cadet, First Contract, Lord Master Governor General, Long Shot, Stallion Six, Fairgotten and Against the Odds.
The action centers around a...
A short science fiction tale taking place in 30,000 years from now on a hostile alien world called Errikus. A small team of humans are sent to investigate the site of some ancient ruins but soon discover they are not alone. This story takes place...
It is two years after the fall of the UN released the planet Svergie from bondage, yet all is not well. The government is on the verge of breaking apart between competing factions, Communist groups are preparing a mass uprising and the...