The protagonist of the novel Treasure Island, Jim Hawkins, has already become an adult, and it seemed that he began to forget his adventures. But then he met Silver's old wife. She convinced him to drink a witch's potion. As a result, Jim Hawkins...
“John Carter and the Giant of Mars,” is a juvenile story penned by Burrough’s son John “Jack” Coleman Burroughs, and claimed to have been revised by Burroughs. It was written for a Whitman Big Little Book, illustrated by Jack Burroughs...
From the author of Pacific Rising.
Jurassic War is an action-packed novel of special operations during WWII in the Pacific Theater. U.S. Marines land on a remote atoll to carry out a seek and destroy mission. They encounter Japanese infantrymen,...
Problems, problems, problems! All Mike Harmon ever wanted to be was a SEAL. But after problems in the teams, college student was a decent second best. However, trouble seemed to follow him where he went. Now, after having angered every terrorist...
The long-awaited return of the Ultramarines series, starring Uriel Ventris, by Horus Heresy author Graham McNeill. Killing ground picks up where Dead Sky, Black Sun leaves off as Uriel finds himself on a chaos world and choices to make, none of...
The long-awaited return of the Ultramarines series, starring Uriel Ventris, by Horus Heresy author Graham McNeill. Killing ground picks up where Dead Sky, Black Sun leaves off as Uriel finds himself on a chaos world and choices to make, none of...
From the drug gangs of downtown Indianapolis, the one true king will arise. The King Arthur myth gets dramatically retold through the eyes of street hustler King, as he tries to unite the crack dealers, gangbangers and the monsters lurking within...
Juno is a dirty cop with a difficult past and an uncertain future. When his family and thousands of others emigrated to the colony world of Lagarto, they were promised a bright future on a planet with a booming economy. But before the colonists...