In the aftermath of the Battle of Detroit, Corporal Jackson finds out how the 365th AIB got a mauling in the Public Residence Clusters, and why the Territorial Army may have lost control over a big chunk of Detroit.
A novella in the...
A thrilling spin-off from Jack Campbell's The Lost Fleet series, The Lost Stars: Tarnished Knight delivered “excellent tales of space battles and struggles against tyrants and aliens.”
Now the New York Times bestselling author returns with...
There is no sanctuary.
That was taken away in the blink of an eye. Humanity went out not with a whimper, but a bang.
Jack, a sometimes humorous, sometimes philosophical ex-special operations pilot and soldier is one of the few...
Safety is the dream.
Nightmare is the reality. A nightmare where danger lurks around every corner.
Jack Walker, journeyed half way around the world and completed his daring rescue. He must now return home, traversing a world...
Danger lurks in the shadows
A place where the brave tread warily
Jack Walker has returned from the rescue of his girlfriend with a small band of survivors. Their harrowing journey from the Middle East included a stop at the...
Dark clouds gather
A storm is breaking…
With the sanctuary built, there is a respite from the nightly night runner assaults. Jack Walker and the group of survivors have bought themselves a little breathing room. Or have...
The Dice Are Cast…
Death Watches and Waits
The sanctuary walls were breached and through them poured screaming hordes of night runners. About to be overrun, the survivors formed a last stand against the thousands that...
World War III expands with the German invasion of the American Northeast.
In the fourth book of the Invasion America Series, bitter glacial cooling continues to bring humanity to the brink of starvation,...