The final confrontation between the Alien Alliance and the Terran Empire begins in this exciting conclusion to the Brink of Distinction trilogy. One-by-one, the brilliant suns of Alliance space are disappearing, left cold and lifeless after...
The Terran Empire has broken the Taisa Accord and invaded Alliance space in this exciting second novel in the Brink of Distinction series. Survivors of the Empire's first assault, Yen Xiao and Adam Decker swore vengeance against the Terrans....
Between the alien Alliance and the Terran Empire, a neutral zone stretches between the galaxies, a demilitarized zone that was established 150 years previous, following the Great War. The peace accord granted a semblance of peace to the universe....
Helliconia is a planet that, due to the massively eccentric orbit of its own sun around another star, experiences seasons that lasts eons. Whole civilisations grow in the Spring, flourish in the Summer and then die in the brutal winters. The...
During the late 1970s and early 80s tension in Europe, between east and west, had grown until it appeared that war was virtually unavoidable. Soviet armies massed behind the ‘Iron Curtain’ that stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea.
Based on the screenplay by Jonathan Mostow, John Brancato, and Michael Ferris
The novel of the blockbuster hit film
For two generations of moviegoers, the Terminator movies have defined adrenaline-soaked action filmmaking....
The war is far from over ... Those who fight for the future face the ultimate challenge ... As the electronic brain behind humanity's destruction comes alive.
From Publishers Weekly
Military SF author Stirling provides fast-moving...