An author struggles to make amends for the war-torn realities he has written into existence. He leaves his empty life behind and travels across a spectrum of parallel universes in a frantic hunt for Maire, the maniacal architect of the Sixth...
Shaken by the crash landing of an alien vessel in the Pacific Ocean, humanity soon becomes embroiled in an ancient conflict that spans all of time and space. As a massive invasion force systematically dismantles the solar system and gathers...
CONQUEST is the next chapter in the great interstellar war between all living creatures and the machines. Star Force must stop the machine invaders once again--but how?
In the fourth book of the Star Force series, Kyle Riggs has freed...
In the second book of the Star Force series, Kyle Riggs has another bad year. The Nano ships have a new mission--one that sentences their pilots to death. Meanwhile, the governments of Earth want to steal Star Force's Nano technology for their...
Kyle Riggs is snatched by an alien spacecraft sometime after midnight. The ship is testing everyone it catches and murdering the weak. The good news is that Kyle keeps passing tests and staying alive. The bad news is the aliens who sent this ship...
It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies....