In this epic story, Fulgrim author Graham McNeill tells of the civil war on Mars, and the genesis of the Dark Mechanicum. This next installment is guaranteed to keep fans hooked as the series goes from strength to...
It is the 31st millennium, and humanity is at the peak of its powers. As the Great Crusade, led by Warmaster Horus, continues to conquer the galaxy, Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emperor's Children, leads his warriors into battle against a vile alien...
The human Imperium stands at its height of glory - thousands of worlds have been brought to heel by the conquering armies of mankind. At the peak of his powers, Warmaster Horus wields absolute control - but can even he resist the corrupting...
An Ultramarines Novel
After her return from Drachenfels, Genevieve Dieudonne - the vampire femme fatale - embarks on an odessey of perilous self-discovery in which she must face monsters and...
The long-awaited return of the Ultramarines series, starring Uriel Ventris, by Horus Heresy author Graham McNeill. Killing ground picks up where Dead Sky, Black Sun leaves off as Uriel finds himself on a chaos world and choices to make, none of...
This much requested fan favourite has been brought bang up to date with a new cover.
When a massive force of Space Marine Iron Warriors invade the planet Hydra Cordatus, and lays siege to the Imperial citadel, how long can the defenders...
The Global Civil War was about to make Humankind extinct, when the stupendous Super Dimensional Fortress dispatched to Earth by a dying alien genius changed all that forever. Humanity's only hope lay in a corps of untried young men and women...