In the second decade of the twenty-first century the world is struck by two catastrophes, a new mini-ice age and, nearly simultaneously, a plague to dwarf all previous experiences. Rising out of the disaster is the character known to history as...
The first original novel tying into the critically acclaimed and much-missed Firefly series from creator Joss Whedon.
The Battle of Serenity Valley was the turning point that led the Independents to their defeat at the hands of the Alliance....
Antarctica, 2014. A terrorist raid in a secret research facility triggers a race against time. Russians and Americans will join in the struggle against an implacable nemesis as ancient as time itself. Fear and suspense will follow the reader until...
Hell lies under the Texas-Mexico Border.
When the Acuña Cartel tunnels under the Rio Grande and into the United States, they tap into a vast cavern that’s home to a once thought mythical species. The massacre that ensues leaves 12 men dead,...
Stephen King calls Hesh Kestin’s The Siege of Ghetto Tel Aviv “scarier than anything Stephen King ever wrote.”
Iran leads five Arab armies in a brutal victory over Israel, which ceases to exist. Within hours, its leaders are rounded up and...
About the Author
JOHN SHIRLEY is the author of numerous novels, including Crawlers, Demons, and Wetbones, the recent motion picture novelization of Constantine, and story collections including Really Really Really Really Weird Stories and the...
The fight for humanity has arrived. Will the war for the Metal Islands destroy what’s left of our species, or will the Hell Divers finally lead their people to a new, habitable home?
The New York Times and USA Today bestselling series
A 1950s hospital. Temporary amnesia. A naked man running through Central Park yelling something about alien space tentacles. Tinfoil, duct tape, and bananas. These are the ingredients for a spectacular romp through a world you never thought possible...
A mission gone wrong. Innocent lives have been lost.
Escaping wrongful imprisonment wasn’t something Connor had in mind, but being put into stasis aboard Earth’s first interstellar colony ship was something he couldn’t have prepared for.
He found it in a box of junk in his uncle's attic.Kenneth was a young man who earnestly wished that he wasn’t. One day, while staying with his aunt, he came across an item that his uncle had found just after the Second World War. In a box with an...