The War for Profit Series Omnibus

The War for Profit Series Omnibus
Боевая фантастика
Автор: Fleisher Gideon
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Издатель: Jed Fisher
Добавил: Admin 8 Авг 14
Проверил: Admin 8 Авг 14
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The entire War for Profit series complete in one volume. Titles include Armor Academy Space Cadet, First Contract, Lord Master Governor General, Long Shot, Stallion Six, Fairgotten and Against the Odds.
The action centers around a mercenary armored brigade waging armored land warfare in a distant future.
This insightful series offers a glimpse into the lives of some professional Soldiers, as well as the rise and fall of one unit in particular. Reading the entire series as a single volume provides an enlightening experience.
From the Author
I believe this omnibus offers the best value for the reader because it includes all six novels of the series and the prequel novella as well, and for a lower price than buying all those editions separately.
The omnibus also helps the reader follow the series in order.

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