The beast is alive and prowling the high seas. As extremist Islamic pirates, armed and supported by a powerful Saudi terrorist, prey on civilian vessels in the Gulf of Aden, America aggressively answers with serious muscle -- a next-generation...
The beast is alive and prowling the high seas. As extremist Islamic pirates, armed and supported by a powerful Saudi terrorist, prey on civilian vessels in the Gulf of Aden, America aggressively answers with serious muscle -- a next-generation...
On the President's orders . . . one man is tasked with averting nuclear war
When the U.S. develops intelligence showing that Iran is in the final stages of assembling a nuclear bomb, the President orders Breanna Stockard and the Whiplash...
The U.S. government has allowed the Grays, a race of extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli system, to establish a foothold on Earth at a place called Dulce Base, a secret underground base near the Archuleta Mesa in New Mexico.
This came...
Dulce Base may have been destroyed, but the conspiracy around it and the dark forces working behind the scenes have not.
Traitors are afoot in Blue Lake base, and neither the Dutchman nor his son are safe. That’s clear when the murders start.
Stīvs Berijs
Dzintara istaba
No brīnumskaistā dārgakmens izgatavotā Dzintara istaba ir viens no izcilākajiem cilvēka roku radītajiem brīnumiem. Otrā pasaules kārā laikā Dzintara istaba tika nolaupīta. Kopš tā laika neviens to...
The Russians, consolidating their brutal hold on America after the bloody horror of World War III, are planning an act so vicious that mankind, itself, may never recover from the blow. John Thomas Rourke, the ex-CIA Covert Operations Officer,...
Violence and tensions along the U.S.-Mexican border have never been higher, sparked by battles between rival drug lords and an increased flow of illegal migrants. To combat the threat, the United States has executed Operation Rampart: a...