The year i s 2112.
The crippled U.S. government and its military forces are giving up the century-long fight against an undead plague. Born of an otherworldly energy fused with a deadly virus, the ravaging hordes of zombified humans and...
The dead refuse to stay dead. The Reaper is here to put them down. As winter sets in and America's survivors struggle to rebuild a semblance of civilization, terrifying new enemies are gathering-both in the lawless badlands and within the walls of...
A volatile U.S. ally has fallen prey to the terrorist beast. India is the target of radical Islamic jihadists, and the world watches breathlessly as tensions escalate between the uneasy giant and its longtime nemesis Pakistan--with China waiting...
When tensions rise between Greece and the breakaway republic of Macedonia, "Tombstone" Magruder and Carrier Battle Group Fourteen are sent to maintain the peace-but wind up facing a rogue Greek officer who has decided to end the conflict with...
Kidnapping is one of the cruellest crimes – lives are put at risk for cold, hard cash. But when Somali pirates seize the crew of a yacht off the coast of Africa, they bite off more than they can chew. One of the hostages has friends in high...
9 Nov 1939 - 13 Mar 1940
The revolt of the German generals had failed and the Nazi purge was mounting in savagery when Gregory Sallust entered Berlin dressed as a Wehrmacht colonel and riding in an official S.S. car. His purpose was to...
The official prequel to the latest instalment of the Far Cry video game series.
Hope County, Montana. Land of the free and the brave, but also home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as The Church of Eden’s Gate that has slowly been...