The Executioner poses as a convict to spring a man marked for death by a mystery assassin.
Mack Bolan wants to know why a petty embezzler is the target of an international hit man. But Bolans plan is foiled by a group known as the Savannah...
Someone is stealing America's children, and the disappearances are shattering the structure of U.S. Society, leaving families in total despair.
With the police and federal agencies handcuffed by laws and procedures, the situation is...
Someone is stealing America's children, and the disappearances are shattering the structure of U.S. Society, leaving families in total despair.
With the police and federal agencies handcuffed by laws and procedures, the situation is...
It is the greatest bounty hunt in history. The targets are the finest warriors in the world-commandos, spies, terrorists. And they must all be dead by 12 noon, today. The price on their heads: almost $20 million each.
Among the names, one...
Guided by a captured gang pistolero, Able Team crashes into the firestorm of the Mexican heroin wars. The three superspecialists blaze a desperate path across a desolate landscape to confront drug armies waging a campaign of atrocity and...
Guided by a captured gang pistolero, Able Team crashes into the firestorm of the Mexican heroin wars. The three superspecialists blaze a desperate path across a desolate landscape to confront drug armies waging a campaign of atrocity and...
As twin torpedoes from a renegade Iranian sub streak into the hull of their escort ship, the crew of the Yuduki Maru looks on in horror...
Their cargo includes two tons of weapons-grade plutonium. And now, with enough nuke fuel to arm a...
In Afghanistan, a native CIA contact wants to defect with detailed knowledge of anti-American insurgent operations. But time is short, and the risk is high. William "Wild Bill" Brannigan and his SEAL platoon are called in for the difficult and...
Embroiled in an all-out war in the Mediterranean Sea, the Sixth Fleet finds itself being slowly taken apart by the enemy. Hope appears in the form of reinforcements — a fully armed task force led by the carrier "Stennis". But the new battle group...
In a world of lies, he's the only man she can trust.Navy SEAL Brodie McGuire's orders were clear: Get the hostage out alive. After spiriting Jennifer Wesley to safety, their terror and need ignited into passion. Mission over, haunted by...