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Army of Devils

Army of Devils

Серия: Able Team #8
Язык: английский
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As incidents of frenzied murder and mutilation terrorize Los Angeles, police chemists discover a new drug sweeping through the gang subculture. "Crazy dust" — a variant of PCP one hundred times more addicting than heroin — creates inhuman...
Save the Children

Save the Children

Серия: The Executioner #94
Язык: английский
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Someone is stealing America's children, and the disappearances are shattering the structure of U.S. Society, leaving families in total despair. With the police and federal agencies handcuffed by laws and procedures, the situation is...
The Thousand Coffin Affair
Боевики, Криминальные детективы

The Thousand Coffin Affair

Автор: Avallone Michael
Серия: The Man From UNCLE #1
Язык: английский
Статус: Закончена
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Два лучших агента Наполеон Соло и Илья Курякин из организации UNCLE (United Network Command for Law and Enforcement) сражаются с возмутителями спокойствия, в...
Death Squad

Death Squad

Серия: The Executioner #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1969
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The dreaded Black Hand has let out a $100,000 contract on Bolan's life, and every trigger-happy gunman in the country is trying to collect. At the same time, local, state, and federal police forces have banded together in the greatest manhunt in...
Pacific Siege

Pacific Siege

Серия: Seal Team Seven #8
Язык: английский
Год: 1999
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When a Japanese general goes ballistic and takes over a Russian island, the Seals are sent in to restore justice. But between freeing Russian hostages and making sure not to step on the wrong toes, the Seals find themselves stuck waist-deep in...
Hellfire Crusade

Hellfire Crusade

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #87
Язык: английский
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The militant brother of an Arab ruler has kidnapped a brilliant young American. And Mack Bolan knows that in wrong hands the teenagers knowledge of nuclear devices could change the course of history.The Executioner faces awesome odds as he...
Red Alert

Red Alert

Серия: UNACO #5
Язык: английский
Год: 1990
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An Alistair MacLean’s UNACO novel #5 A deadly virus has been stolen, and the thieves plan to use the hundred million pound ransom to fund terrorist armies. When the mission looks impossible, the world calls upon UNACO. The Italian Red Brigades...