A trap!
So much for undercover operations, thought Bolan. His nighttime parachute drop into Thailand had become an open secret. Enemy gunfire zeroed in on his position. It was survival time in the jungle again!
The Executioner was...
Stop the Assassination!
The directive came from the White House, and the target was less than twenty miles away in an affluent Maryland suburb.
For Mack Bolan it was a very strange assignment: tooprotect a high-level Iranian...
This time, all the stops were out. Mack Bolan became a single-minded, death-spewing avenger the minute Eve disappeared...
Someone he cared about, Eve had been swallowed up by the voracious bloodthirst of international...
Aggressive, primitive and violent, the Shining Path murders in the name of freedom. Fanatical terrorists who are trying to destroy Peru's government, the Path's "low budget" warfare has suddenly turned high tech — someone is...
Torn by political struggles and underground revolution, the Philippines are wide open to powermongers and would-be messiahs. Now the deadliest and most elusive terrorist-bomber in the world stalks its crowded streets, plotting an act that will...
Clark Savage, Jr. the inspiration for Superman and James Bond, along with Renny, Johnny, Ham, Monk and Long Tom, as they journey to Central America to reclaim Doc's...
Not ships but nations are the prey of the sinister Oriental mastermind, Tom Too. Only Doc Savage and his daring crew stand a chance of saving the world from this figure of evil and his lethal legions. On land and on sea, in the weirdest corners...
Wei Ho was death incarnate. He could slake his thirst for blood whenever and wherever he wanted. He had chosen the hunters of his private army very carefully — they were some of the most vicious hoodlums in the world.
Now he had his...
The U.S. maintained a top-secret air-force base in Cairo. And it operated right out of the international airport!
Suddenly a terrorist rampage threatened to reveal the covert American presence in egypt. No known intelligence agency could...