Doctor Dolittle takes on an apprentice, Tommy Stubbins, as they set out to find Long Arrow, the world's greatest naturalist. Their quest takes them to the Mediterranean, to South America, deep under the sea, and even to a floating island. This...
The Young Carthaginian is a departure from the first two Henty books on the Lost Classics list. Set in ancient times during the Punic wars between Carthage and Rome, it follows the adventures of young Malchus, an officer in Hannibal's army. Henty...
Being able to detect black magic isn't all tea and crumpets—and for Theodosia Throckmorton, it can be a decidedly tricky business! When Sticky Will drags Theo to a magic show featuring the Great Awi Bubu, she quickly senses there is more to the...
In this fourth book in the series, Theodosia sets off to Egypt to return the Emerald Tablet, along with its knowledge of some of the ancient world's most guarded secrets. Accompanied by her cat, Isis, (smuggled along in a picnic hamper), Theo plans...
Theodosia Throckmorton is in a fix. Allowed to attend a reception given by one of the directors of her parents’ museum, she stumbles across Mr. Tetley of the British Museum—in most unusual circumstances! Since Theo has last seen him in a...
Everyone said the original Titanic was unsinkable. Shows how much they knew.
Everyone says the new Titanic is unsinkable. But there are worse things than drowning as stowaway Jimmy Armstrong and rich girl Claire quickly find out.
With a...
Lucky Jimmy Armstrong and his friend Claire find themselves deserted by the new Titanic on an unfamiliar shore. With normal life changed forever, the world is left in the hands of cannibals, murderers and gangs. They are back to fighting for...
The hero of the story "The Traveler's World" is a certain traveler named Miro. He is a curious man, eager to discover new lands and learn about different cultures.The plot of the story revolves around the adventures of the World during its journey....