When fourteen-year-old Peak Marcello's long-lost father presents the opportunity for them to summit Everest together, Peak doesn't even consider saying no--even though he suspects there are a few strings attached. And if he makes it to the top...
Isabella Aljende
Pigmeju mežs
Bezgalīgās sērijas 3. grāmata
No spāņu valodas tulkojusi Guna Pigita 2008
Noskannējis grāmatu un failu izveidojis Imants Ločmelis
Āfrikas misionāram brālim Fernando de la Fuente, kura...
The book “Playing with the Sun” includes several poems by Pyotr Nikolaevich Toburokov — the most famous Yakutian writer of children’s literature. This book is for preschool and primary school age...
The techno-teens of the Net Force Explorers are just as smart as their adult counterparts when it comes to 21st century crimes and misdemeanors. Now, the Explorers must delve into cyberspace-and the secrets of the past-to prove their commander...