Книга представляет из себя попытку написать справочник по еврейской традиции в увлекательной форме.
В результате кораблекрушения несколько еврейских школьников попадают на необитаемый остров. Уделяя минимум внимания вопросам выживания, они преодолевают трудности, связанные с следованием традиции во всех ее тонкостях.
«Watch out!» cried Dani, «there are sharks in the sea! Keep your hands out of the water!»
The children quickly withdrew their hands into the lifeboat. Dani Levy, the oldest of the group, swept a stubborn lock of hair from his forehead and with a worried look, studied the other children. Never before had he borne such responsibility. Only two days ago he had been a mischievous, carefree boy under the protective wings of both his parents...running about the deck of the large ocean liner.... Two nights had passed since the eve of the terrible storm that had torn apart their ship, and Dani now sat in a small lifeboat in the middle of a vast ocean....
«The Lost Children of Tarshish» is the dramatic adventure tale of seven Israeli children who are saved from a sinking ship and reach a deserted island in their lifeboat. On this tiny island, which they name Tarshish, they battle danger and confront unusual challenges with courage and ingenuity.
During their months of shipwreck, the children survive in nature, observe all the Jewish holidays, and create a miniature Torah community.
First published in Hebrew, «The Lost Children of Tarshish» has become a modern literary classic for Jewish youth.
Комментарии к книге "Дети острова Таршиш"